Committee 2025
Captain: Vanasen Kanniah
Vice-Captain: Nishaan Nundlall
Treasurer: Joshay Harkoo
Handicap Manager: Wentzel Fourie
Philanthropy Lead: TBC
Rules and Regulations
The rules of the game of golf to be played within the society shall be those of the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, unless otherwise stated by the local club rules.
All members are expected to behave in a manner that befits a respectable society.
Members must wear appropriate golf clothing as set out by each golf club on the event schedule.
Every fourball will have a group leader who will keep ‘Live Scoring’ on PlayThru for the group.
Members should adhere to etiquette rules as well. There should be no talking when players are addressing their ball.
If members feel that someone is not abiding by the rules, then this must be addressed with the said individual immediately and reported to the group leader. The group leader will have the final say on the matter.
Prior to the event, the Handicap Manager will set out the rules of play for that particular course.
The only rule that will remain constant within our society is that if you cannot score you must pick up and move on. Your gross score will be the score at the point of pick up. This is done in the interest of speeding up play.
The committee will decide on sanctions for unruly behaviour.
All players must arrive at the tee box at least 10 minutes before the first tee off time.
Membership Fees & Bank Details
The annual membership fee for each player for 2025 is £50.
All membership fees and green fees are to be paid into the society bank account as below:
Acc Name: Ubuntu Golf Society
Acc Type: Business
Acc Number: 52910196
Sort Code: 23-05-80
Reference: Your Name
Green fees for each game must be paid at least 1 week prior to the game.
Ubuntu Handicap System
As some members do not have an official club handicap, and in some cases only play golf infrequently without the submission of cards, it is proposed to award ‘Ubuntu Handicaps’ in the following manner. This should give everyone the opportunity to go up, as well as down, according to their playing ability, without recourse to arguments over their respective merits.
Each member will have a Handicap allotted, as assessed previously by their Club or Society. For each society event, your ‘Ubuntu Handicap’ will be your playing handicap and there will be no further adjustment to the course handicap/slope rating.
No player shall have a Handicap of more than 36.
Any player scoring within 10 Stableford points of the winner retains their existing playing Handicap.
If a player scores less than 10 Stableford points than the winner, they will receive strokes added to their Handicap with immediate effect as outlined in the table below depending on their banding.
For each game, the top 3 places, will have strokes reduced from their Handicap depending on their banding as set out in the table below; this will be applicable to all tied rankings.
Additionally, any player in excess of 36 points will have shots deducted in the following manner:
37-38 points = -1 shot
39-40 points = -2 shots
41-42 points = -3 shots
42-43 points = -4 shots
44-45 points = -5 shots, etc.
No player can be more than TWO shots above their Club or season starting Handicap i.e. 10=12; 20=22; 24=26, etc.
Each game will be considered as a ‘Handicap Qualifying’ event; any adjustments made will be applicable for the remaining duration of the season, and the handicap you finish with after the last game will be your starting handicap for the new season.
A player needs to play every 6 months to keep their ‘Ubuntu Handicap’.
If a player hasn’t played with the Society for 6 months then their Handicap will need to be assessed by the Handicap Manager after playing to determine if their handicap needs amending and for that round, they will be deemed a ‘guest’ of the Society.
For the ‘Weekend Away’, each day will be deemed as a handicap qualifying completion and as such, the 1st, 2nd & 3rd will be cut in accordance with the table below. This is regardless of how many days an individual may win or be runner up.
Event Registration and Live Scoring (PlayThru)
The society has chosen ‘PlayThru’ as its online platform to register for game events and live event scoring.
Registering For Events
Members can now register to join events via the PlayThru link accessible on the Schedule page.
An invite registration link will also be sent to all members on WhatsApp 2 weeks prior to a society event, members must register for that event within 7 days of receiving the invite to confirm their attendance.
Live Scoring
At the start of each game, a ‘PlayThru’ weblink will be sent to each ‘4-Ball Captain’ to record the scores of the players in their group. All other players will receive a separate link which will allow them to view and track the points scoring in real time of all event participants.
All players must record scores on paper scorecards which are to be swapped with their playing partners. At the end of the game, each player and score marker must sign their respective scorecards and hand these to the nominated ‘4-Ball Captain’ who should cross check the scorecards against the entries recorded PlayThru. Once tallied, then only submit the scores on PlayThru.
Note – you cannot amend any entries on PlayThru once the final scores are submitted, so it is very important that you check the details before final submission.
Prizes for 2025
The following prizes will be awarded for each event (American Golf Voucher or Similar):
1st Place = £30
2nd Place = £20
3rd Place = £10
Longest Drive = £10
Nearest to Pin = £10
Where we have ‘tied rankings’, the prize value will be added and shared accordingly, for e.g. if we had 2 players with the same points in 2nd place, there will be no 3rd place so the prize values (£20 + £10) will be shared as £15 each.
Captain's Cup
Throughout the season all members will be competing to win the annual ‘Captain’s Cup’ which consists of 9 society events throughout the year. Each events points contributes to the Captain’s Cup.
Each society event points scoring will be based on Stableford using your ‘Ubuntu Handicap’ only i.e. no course handicap/slope rating will be taken into consideration.
Only the top 6 points scoring events for each member will contribute towards the final Captain’s Cup points.
For each society event, points are allocated based on your ranking for that event:
1st = 20 points
2nd = 19 points
3rd = 18 points…
9th = 12 points
20th and below = 1 point each
If 2 or more players finish on the same Stableford points, there will be ‘tied rankings’ for e.g. if 1st place ends with 37 points, and we have 3 players thereafter on 36 points, they will be a joint 2nd place and there will be no 3rd and 4th place. The collective points for 2nd, 3rd and 4th will be added and split evenly between the 3 players.
Bonus Points: This year we are introducing a bonus points system to create extra excitement and to give lower handicap players a much fairer chance to win the Captain’s Cup.
Longest Drive will get 2 extra points
Nearest to the pin will get 2 extra points
Each gross Birdie or better gets awarded 1 extra point
Captain's Cup Prizes
1st Place = Callaway Elyte Driver (valued at £500)
2nd Place = TBC
3rd Place = TBC
If we have 2 or more players tied in the top 3 places for the Captain’s Cup prizes after the last game, there will be a single hole ‘playoff’.
Most importantly, enjoy the game of golf with your fellow members and have fun!